Team v Blackburn - Kitchen, Balmer, Watson, Wolstenholme,
Rovers		Booth, Abbott, J. Sharp, Paterson, Young, Settle, Bell.
		This team to play in the Lancashire Cup Tie at
		Barrow on the 28th inst. and at Stonyhurst on the
		29th inst.

do v Rovers Reserve - Muir, R. Jones, B. Sharp, Boyle, Clarke, Blythe,
		Roche, Rankin, Proudfoot, Bone & Chadwick.
		Worthington & Blythe to attend.

Daly's expenses	Resolved that these amounting to 10/- be paid.

Notification of	Secretary was instructed to adopt the usual
change of Secretary means of notification to League &c.
		Secretary was instructed to ascertain when &
		where the Cup tie Workington & Barrow would be
		Resolved that the Secretary be empowered to order
		copying-press, letter & postage book, stationery
		and cyclostyle - the latter not to exceed £2.

re Dining for team Mr. Davies & the Secretary to arrange for dinners
		for League team on Saturday next at Blackledges.
		Mr. Cuff having tendered his resignation as a
		Director upon his appointment as Secretary the same
		was accepted.

Signed Octr. 30th 1901				B. Kelly	Chairman

		[Meeting of Directors held Wednesday October
		30th 1901]

Present		B. Kelly Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge,
		Clayton, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright.

Trainers	The Trainer having made his report it was
Report		resolved that the Chairman interview Watson,
		J. Sharp and Young as to their play.

Minutes		of last meeting read and confirmed.

Team v Stoke	Kitchen, Balmer, Watson, Clarke, Booth, Abbott,