
		following pressmen to be invited.
		Messrs Edwards & F. E. Hughes, W. Jamison,
		J. H. Catton, W. J. Watmough & L. T. Kelly.
		The party to adjourn afterwards to the Empire.

A. Leitch	The Secretary having read letter from Mr.
		Leitch requesting a payment on a/c of
		his fees resolved that a cheque for
		£250 be paid to him & that he be asked
		to state approximately how much
		more expenditure would be incurred
		to fully complete the undertaking.

Clerk		The Secretary reported having gone through
		the applications for this position and
		recommended the appointment of Wm. F.
		Moore at 25/- per week. This was

Cleaner &	The Secretary submitted applications &
Waitress	that the person who attended on
		Monday was a most suitable woman.
		Resolved that the appointment be
		offered to Mrs. Kennedy at 21/- per week.
		The duties being to maintain the
		whole of the offices & staircase in good
		order & to do the whole of the washing
		required. The necessary apparatus
		and appliances to be provided for her.
		Any assistance found necessary to be
		furnished by her at her expense.
		The appointment to be for one month
		on trial.