1888		[Meeting of Committee held in the Sandon Hotel
July 23		                 on Monday Evening]

				Mr. R. Wilson in the chair

Present		Messrs G. Fleming, W. Jackson, J. Richards, T. C. Howarth, E. Berry,
		W. Marriott, J J Ramsey, T. Marriott, J. C. Brooks.

		The minutes were read & confirmed

		The following new members were elected.
		  W. E. Blanchard	51 Albert Rd	Edge Hill
		  John Almond		45 Oxton St	Walton Rd
		  B. Morton		82 Breck Rd
		  J. G. Allen		46 Faraday St			Notified by RLS
		  W. R. Clayton		84 Rydal St			    24/7/88
		  Thos. Green 		93 Wye St

		The following notices from members re changes of address were given
		J. C. Brooks         93 Wye St
		W. W. Tomlinson	     188 Salisbury Rd.

		Mr. Howarth moved & Mr. Jackson seconded that a sub committee
		be appointed to wait upon Mr. Houlding with regard to
		a lease of the ground, & report result to the committee. Carried

		Mr. T Marriott moved & Mr. G. Fleming seconded that the
		following gentleman be the sub committee Messrs Jackson, Howarth,
		Wilson, Berry, & W Marriott. Carried

		Mr. Howarth moved & Mr. Berry seconded that an a/c of
		(£1.10.0) One pound ten shillings (for paint supplied by
		Mr. S. White) be paid subject to enquiry by Mr Ramsey.
202 The possibility of playing baseball at the ground was considered. The ground was felt to be unsuitable.
232 Photograph of players taken at Sunderland. In was agreed that each player should have a copy. The team names: 1st and 2nd team were adopted.
243 £100 to be paid to Mr Houlding towards the Club’s loan account with him.
273 Gordon had to promise to keep in proper condition to play football
274 12 medals were ordered from Vaughton and sons.