
		services of Sagar & A. N. Other. This was granted.
			A firm or combine were hoping to
		produce a monthly magazine called Liverton & wished
		for official sanction. After discussion, it was felt
		this might interfere with our own official programme.
			Lello was doubtful for 3 weeks.
			Catterick had a cold but was likely to play.
			Sagar was having treatment at
		Broad Green Hospital.

L'pool Stanley R. F. C. 250. Decided to donate Twenty Five
		guineas to this Clubs New Ground Fund.

Dr. Otto Nerz		The decease of this German
		Football Official, was reported.

Directors to Buxton	Chairman & Mr. Green.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, the 7th inst. or Thursday,
		the 9th inst., according to the result at Derby.

				Confirmed as correct.

					Cecil S. Baxter