
		May 2, 1950, at 7 pm.

? Club Conference	Chairman reported everything
	251	that had transpired. (Details annexed.)
			Decided that we ask the F. A.
		how tickets were allocated for the Cup Final.

Directors Away		To Cup Final:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs
		E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle,
		F. W. Lake & J. C. Sharp.
			To Manchester:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs
		Green, Searle, Gibbins, Sharp & Coffey.

Waldorf Hotel		Chairman reported his interview
		with Hotel Management & his diction over
		future arrangements if we were to return.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, April 4, at 4 pm.

						Confirmed as correct
						Cecil S. Baxter