
		Lincoln City were intending to see him in a
		match before making a decision.
			Powell had been transferred to
		Birmingham for £7,300.
			J. A. Jones (G) who had a fee of £750 on
		him, was likely to go to New Brighton on a
		free transfer with the arrangement that should
		they re-transfer him at a fee, we were to get the
		1st £750.
			He suggested a thrift scheme of banking
		money for players to a limit of £5,000, at 4%.
		Decided he should pursue this idea.
			A 7th team was to be formed.

Press 234.		It was agreed that the Press be
		allowed to enter the Office after the games as
		formerly, but that the Secy. write to Mrs. Kendall
		to notify her of the withdrawal of Directors
		Box privileges for domestic reasons.

Transfers of		Following were approved:-
Shares		Share No. 1269 form T. Muir to R. W. Prole
		 do	 1270	   do	   to  H. A. Wolfe.

Next Meeting		Monday, August 21, 1950 at 4 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct.
				 W. R. Williams.