
		fixture here with Hamburger Sports Club on Apl. 25th,
		but the possibility of a fixture there was viewed
		favourably if the French Tour did not materialise.
			The allocation of use of the ground for
		Junior Finals etc., was left in the hands of
		Mr. Britton.
			Sagar had complained of back trouble
		but may be fit, and Eglington had
		complained of his stomach.

Correspondence		A request from the Aigburth Peoples
		Hall F. C. for a player to attend a supporters club
		meeting was left to Mr. Britton.

International &	The following allocation to each Director was
Cup Final Tkts. agreed on:-   42/-	21/-	10/6	7/6	3/-
		INTERNATIONAL  2	 2	 6	 4	12
		CUP FINAL      3	 2	 5	 5	18

Share Transfer		Shares Nod 1976 to 1978 from
		Adams Robert James Alexander to Robert James
		Alexander Arnold was approved.

Directors Away		To Tranmere:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp 
		and H. R. Williams.
			To Bamsley, Mr. N. W. Coffey.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Apl. 9th at 4 pm.

				Confirmed as Correct
				 	W. R. Williams