
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Friday June 19th 1959]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
		all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in

			Minutes of Meeting of June 12th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Season Ticket Sales to date 10,773.0.0.
			Bank Balance £19,181.0.1 Dr.

CHAIRMAN		On a proposition by Mr. R. E. Searle
190		seconded by Mr. Askham, Mr. F. Micklesfield
		was unanimously elected Chairman for the
		ensuing year. Mr. Micklesfield thanked his
		colleagues for their confidence in him.

VICE-CHAIRMAN	*	On a proposition by Mr. N. W. Coffey,
190		seconded by Mr. R. E. Searle, Mr. J. C. Sharp
		was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman for
		the ensuing year, and Mr. Sharp thanked
		his colleagues suitably.

SUB-COMMITTEES		The following Sub-Committees were
		elected for the ensuing year.

FINANCE COMM.		Mr. E. Holland Hughes (Chairman) and Messrs
190		N. W. Coffey and R. A. Joynson.

MAINTENANCE COMM.	Mr. C. H. Askham (Chairman) and Messrs
190		R. E. Searle and N. W. Coffey.

PITCH COMM.		Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chairman) and Messrs
253		C. E. Balmforth & J. Taylor.

LIASION COMM.		Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp & R. A.
272		Joynson.
		*	The appreciation of the Board was expressed
		to Mr. Searle for his 3½ years service as
		Chairman to the Club.

QUORUM		191	It was agreed that this remain at four.

J. Clayton	101	It was reported that Southport F. C.