Sheridan	The Hon. Secretary was authorised to remit to
		John Adams, Main St., Bridgeton, Glasgow
		Fifteen shillings being Sheridan's rail fare
		to Liverpool which he undertook to advance.

Photo. Team	Permission was given to W. Sandbach
		to photograph the League Team at one of the
		practice match.

Roach/Dundee	The Hon. Secretary read a letter from the Dundee
		Football Club asking for the price of W. Roach's
		transfer. He was requested to reply that
		Roach was on the Transfer list at £50 but
		that we would consider their best offer.

Jack Sharp	Jack Sharp wrote for permission to
		remain with Lancashire County Cricket team
		until after the Notts. match which finished
		on 23rd Aug. This was granted.

Compli. tickets	Dr. Baxter gave notice of motion that Messrs.
Threlfall	Threlfall's Brewery Co. receive their complimentary
		tickets as heretofore.

Practice "Locals" It was resolve that we hold a practice
		match of "Locals" on Tuesday 19th inst. at
		6 p.m.
					John Davies