		and to intimate to him that any club
		desiring his transfer must apply to us.

		The training at Bangor was reported.
		The trainer made his report.

McLaughlin	Resolved that permission be given to
		Preston for McLaughlin to train here.

		The arrangement to fix one row only of
		crush barriers in the paddock and to
		use the remainder on the west side of
		the ground in concrete setting was

Motion re	Mr. Clayton expressed a desire to withdraw
League re	this motion and in lieu thereof to give
		notice to rescind the resolution with
		drawing from the L'pool & Distt. F.A. Cup
		& this was agreed to.
		The Secretary read letter from the L'pool
		& Distt. F.A. requesting permission for
		a deputation consisting of Messrs
		Lamont, Grant, McKenna & the Secretary
		to attend the next meeting - this was

		Resolved that representatives of the
		Press be invited to inspect the
		alterations &c on August 15th & that a
		dinner be arranged for at 6 pm at the
		Hotel St. George : Inspection at 4 pm.

Next meeting	August 15 at Hotel St. George at 7.30.