
		The Doctors report was read.
		The trainers made their reports.

Chadwick	Chadwick appeared in answer to the
		charge of inattention to the regulations
		as to training and his replies being
		unsatisfactory and in view of the fact
		that he had previously appeared before
		the Board it was resolved that he
		be suspended for one month.

Sloan		Sloan appeared in answer to the charge
		of absenting himself without reasonable
		excuse and he was cautioned.

		The Secretary was instructed to publish
		a notice in the dressing rooms that
		all training orders must be strictly
		observed and to request Dr. Wright
		to more promptly attend to calls to
		visit sick players.

Black		Dr. Wright reported the receipt of a note
		from Dr. Jones recommending the excision
		of a cartilage from Black's knee the
		Secretary was instructed to advise him
		to see Dr. Broad before undergoing an
		operation & that if he decided to do so
		he must do it on his own responsibility.

Next meeting	Thursday at 4 pm. at the Bradford

Carter and	The Secretary was instructed to ask Mr.