
L'Pool Cup	The Secretary suggested April 29th
		for this tie but it was resolved
		that if the players wished to play
		on the 22nd it be arranged.

Empire Day	The use of the Ground on May 22nd was
May 22 		granted to the Education Committee
		for children's festival.

D. Ross		The Secretary read letter from D. Ross

Pavilion	Messrs Abram & Mitchells application
roof		to be released from their contract was
		granted subject to the painting out of
		the advertisement & payment of rent
		up to August 31.

		The Secretary read circular letter
		from J. H. Strawson re Election of clubs
		to the League.

Elementary	The Secretary was instructed to
Schools F. A.	offer facilities for this game.

		An Application by Elder Dempster
		for the loan of the ground was declined.

Players offer	The Secretary read lists from Chelsea
to Transfer	West Bromwich Manchester United.

Lipsham		The Secretary reported his visit to
		Sheffield United - that Lipsham was
		30 years of age & his fee £750 with
		another player - no action.