Northern Nomads	Resolved that the Nomads be paid £6
		as their share of receipts of match on

Hannan Jno.	Resolved that the price of this player's
		transfer be reduced from £150 to £75.

Booth		The Secretary read letter of March 23
		from Carlisle hereon.

Semi Final	The Secretary reported the provisional
		arrangements made for this tie.

St. Sylvesters	For Tuesday Apl. 27 the ground was granted
Cup Tie		for this tie & March 31 or April 7 for
		the Challenge Shield tie.

Mercer		This player having applied to be made
		a professional the Secretary was
		instructed to see him & the Prescot
		Wire Works F. C. & ascertain their views.

Condolence	Resolved that an expression of condolence
		be forwarded to the Newcastle United
		F. C. in the loss they have sustained thro'
		the death of their Chairman Mr. Joseph
					E. A. Bainbridge