
		through being in a Cup tie could not fulfil
		their Combination fixture here on the 15th inst.
		but that he was endeavouring to bring
		Nelson here on that date.

Hay dust	The Secretary was instructed to enquire
		as to the properties of Alderson's Hay dust
		before accepting same.

Hospitals ls	The Secretary read letters of grateful thanks
		from the Stanley Hospital & Hospital
		Saturday Funds for donations.

Adamson		Also from Bolton Wanderers requesting
		us to defer presenting their bill for £400
		until the 8th. 	Agreed.

Couper		The Secretary having read letter strongly
		recommending Couper R. centre forward of
		Arniston Rangers he was instructed to
		ask J. D. Taylor to go & report.

Next Agenda	Billiard room seats.
					William Whitford