
Lift			Estimates of cost of proposed left were
		received from Messrs A. Leitch & Partners. Decided
		to allow matter to stand over until end of
		present Season.

Mr. Kirkwood		It was agreed to pay the balance
		of £250 gratuity into Wallasey branch of
		Midland Bank & allow the recipient to draw
		on same at £2 per week.

Dean			Secy. was instructed to arrange with
		Dr. Davies for this player to be examined
		by Dr. W. G. Roberts.

Players to watch	Mr. E. Green to watch	Fairhurst & Lockhead (Walsall)
			"   J. Fare	do	Toseland (Coventry)
			"   W. J. Sawyer do	Barnett (Watford)
			"   J. Elliott	do	Trotman (Rochdale)
			"   A. Coffey	do	Eden  (D'ton)
			"   J. Weir	do	Syme (Dunfermline)
			Secy		do	Gibbons & Warren (Merthyr)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next at 6 p.m.

					Confirmed as Correct

						W. C. cuff