[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool on Thursday 7th August 1930.] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on 24th June last were read & confirmed. Finance The Bank Balance was reported to be £19.566.15.8 Dr. Cheque was signed for Wages £210.5.2. Training Secy. reported that the whole of the players had reported up to time on the 1st inst. & had trained very well except Johnson & O'Donnell about whom Doctor's reports were read & Webster, Cunliffe & Parker (Working). J. O'Donnell This player who was reported suffering from a disease owing to his own misconduct was suspended for 14 days from date & his case to be again reviewed at expiration of that time. Jackson A. Letter read from H'field Town F. C. stating that this player was open for transfer at his own request. & asking us to make an offer. After discussion, it was decided not to enter into negotiations for the player. Dean A request from H'field Town F. C. asking if we would transfer this player was to be answered in the negative. Dix (Bristol Rovers) It was reported that this player was now after a situation in Bristol, but if unsuccessful in his application, he would be prepared to sign for us. Davis (Bradford) Letter read asking a fee of £3000 plus accrued share of benefit for transfer of this player. Decided to make an offer of £2000 & accrued benefit. Hulme (Arsenal) Letter read from Club asking a fee of £7000 for transfer of this player. Decided not to entertain