		Martin, White, Webster & Leyfield. Res Towers.
		v Orrell
			Left to Staff.

Directors to Burnley	Messrs H. Banks & C. Hayes.

Arrangements v		It was decided to travel to Swansea on Jany.
Swansea Town	2nd from Lime St 12 noon & return from Swansea after
		match at 6.35.

Reports re Players	Mr. E. Green reported that this player seemed
Cooper (Halifax) to have lost confidence, but may come on & be a good
			Secy. reported he was not impressed with him
		& that on his form was not good enough for us.

Hough (N. Brighton)	Mr. J. Sharp reported that this player was
		promising, but stated to Lynch (GK Rochdale) &
		Tippitt of same club were pretty good.

Douglas A. (Henley)	Mr. C. Hayes reported that this player had
		ability & was worth watching.

Workington Players	Mr. J. Fare reported Woolaghan (good), Carruthers
		good player but hardly strong enough & Ridley

Taylor (Gateshead)	Secy. reported that the former had had a
& Turnbull	poor day but should be seen again. The latter
		was not better than we had ourselves.

Heywood (Altrincham)	Mr J McGill gave a good report of this
		left back.

Leyfield (Brickworks)	Mr T Kelly gave a good report of this outside
		left & had secured his signature to a C. L. form.

Lackenby (Blyth)	Mr W Laine reported that he still considered
		this half back a good player.

Meeting of League Clubs	It was agreed not to send a representative
		to the meeting called by Mr A Brook Hirst of H'field
		in London on 12th inst

League Management	The Chairman reported that the Management
Committee	Committee had decided to leave the vacancy to be