230 Season Ticket It was decided to return the ex Lord Mayor his ticket for use until end of Season & also to send one to the present Lord Mayor. Army F.A. XI Letter of appreciation for our display in match at Aldershot received from Lt. Col. Sharp. C. R. Webster Secy. reported that he had an enquiry from Mr. E. Edwards asking if we were prepared to transfer this player, but he could not find out which was the club interested. It was decided not to entertain the proposal. A. Dickinson Secy. reported that he had seen this player's father who had asked that his son paid £2 per week & expenses. Decided to repeat our previous offer. 209 Walton Lane It was decided to get the Sanitary Authorities to get rid of Vermin in this house. Irish Free State F.A. The Secy.'s action in refusing permission for these players to play for their F.A. XI v Hungary was confirmed. Marsh (I. C. I.) Secy. reported that he could not trace this player as having signed an M form for any club. Agreed he be asked to play trial in A Team. F.A. Cup Final It was decided to order the following Tickets tickets for this Season's Cup Final. 60 at 21/-, 150 at 15/- 250 @ 10/6. 250 @ 7/6 250 at 5/- & 500 at 2/6. Melaniphy Letter read from this Club that they were (Plymouth) not prepared to part with this player at present. Leave of Absence J. Stein was granted leave from after Saty.'s match until the following Tuesday. Discharged Prisoners It was agreed to purchase 4 tickets at 3/6 Aid Socy. each for a Concert in aid of this Society's funds. St. Lukes Church It was also decided to grant a donation of £5.5.0 to the funds of this Church.