
		our showing v W. B. A. Res.

Manager's Report	Mr. C. S. Britton reported his
	142	treating with Burscough Rangers F.C. re
		Waterhouse, when every thing had been done in
		our favour, but the result had proved
		undercurrents to turn the player to P. N. E.
		for whom he had signed on Tuesday last.
			He thought no good would be served
		the Club by attempting to secure Brown (C. H.)
		Notts County.
			Invalids, Catterick, Juliussen, Wainwright,
		Pinchbeck, & Greenhalgh were still unfit to play.
			McIlhatton appeared to be completely recovered.

Players to follow	Mr. E. Green expressed willingness to travel
		to Derby if required.

Directors Away		To Manchester:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs W. R.
	141	& H. R. Williams, Searle, Sharp & Coffey.
			To Chesterfield:- Mr. H. R. Williams.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, Jan'y 4, 1949.

					Confirmed as correct,
						Cecil S. Baxter