
			letter of thanks was read from the Lord

K. O. Times		A request from a Mr. W. Jones, a
		Registered Member, that the times of kick
		offs be 3 pm. was considered, and it was
		agreed that they be 3.15 pm. for the present.

Unclaimed		In accordance with Clause 76 of the
Dividends	1862 table A, it was resolved that the
		Balance of unclaimed Dividends as at
		May 1949 amounting to £320.15.3 be
		transferred to the General account of the

Directors Away		To Blackburn:- Messrs E. Green,
		W. R. Williams, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey,
		T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Sept. 2nd at 4 pm.
					Confirmed as correct
						E. Green