The Secretary reported that the deputation had arranged with the Management of The George Hotel Upper Bangor for board & loding of party of about 16 to 20 for a week from August 1 @ 12/6 each per day confirmed & the Secretary was instructed to make known the fact that the party comprised our first team. G. Wilson The Secretary read letter from the F. A. fixing Friday at 1 p.m. at Victoria Station Hotel Sheffield for the hearing of G. Wilson case & he was instructed to represent the Club with Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter & Whitford. The proposal to defer the consideration of the motions re L'pool & District Cup & as to admission of L'pool & Dist. officials to the Pavilion was considered & it was decided to deal with same tonight. Resolved unanimously that we do not compete for the L'pool & Dist. Cup. Resolved that the officials of the L'pool & District F. A. be not admitted to Pavilion except by complimentary ticket. The engagement of H. W. Mountford at £2 Summer £3 Winter with a bonus of £5 & a transfer fee of £175 to Burslem Port Vale & of B. Chetwood at 30/- in Summer & £2 in Winter confirmed.