Transfer of Shares	The following transfer was approved.
		James Woods to Albert Bickerton 3 Shares Nos. 1068-1070.

Bovril Ltd.		The application of this firm for rights to
		sell sweetmeats on the ground was left over.

Donation		Agreed to make a donation of £2.2.0 to
		the funds of the Docks Red Triangle Lads Club.

Bullens Rd. Stand	The Contracts with Messrs Tyson was read
		over & Secy. was empowered to sign same on
		behalf of the Coy.

McBain			The Chairman reported that he had
		received an offer from a representative of the St.
		Johnstone F. C. of £900 for this player's transfer.
		It was decided that a fee of £2000 be asked.

Next Meeting		Decided that the Directors visit the 
		ground on Wed. 26th inst. to inspect the progress
		of the New Stand, & that the fixing of next
		meeting be left in hands of the Chairman.

					Confirmed as Correct
						W. C. Cuff