
		it was resolved that the temporary
		engagement of Webster on trial be forthwith
		terminated . Fossce had consented to extension.

Reports		The Doctors report was read.
		The Trainers made their reports.
		The League & Combination games were

Cup tie		The Secretary reported that the gross
receipts 	receipts of the replayed tie on Wednesday
		were £557.14.5 and the percentage
		thereon to the F. A. £27.17.9 leaving
		after deduction of gate expenses the
		sum of £498.2.0 for division. Approved
		& cheque for £27.17.9 orderd to be paid
		to the F. A.

A. Berry	The Secretary reported the non receipt of
		reply hereon from Fulham.

Pinkney		The Secretary read reports & correspondence
		hereon & he was instructed to go
		North & secure his engagement on the
		best terms.

O'Brien		The Secretary was instructed to ask Mr.
		McGhee to go & report further on his play.

Scott		The Secretary read letter from Grimsby
		hereon & he was instructed to go over
		& endeavour to secure his engagement
		up to £700.

Adamson		The visit of the deputation from Bolton Wanderers