		Football National War Fund.
		The Secretary submitted statement hereon
		as under.

	April 1	Receipts	253.  0.  6	Expenses	 16. 12. 
	     27	  do		287.  5.  4	  do		 50.  6. 2
	May  11	  do		 84. 12. 21	  do		 16.  9. 3
	     18	  do		206.  4. 10	  do		 29.  0. 5
	     31	  do		  4. 17.  .
	June  1					Balance		723. 12. 2
				------------			-----------
				836   .   .			836   .  .
				------------			-----------
		The payment to the Football National War
		Fund per the L'pool County F.A. of the sum
		of £719.15.2 was confirmed and the payment
		of the Balance £3.17.0 approved.

		Liverpool Prisoners of War in Germany Fund.
		 Receipts					Expenses
	May 15	  3. 12.  4	Pd. over to Meadows 		  3. 12. 4
	    20	 57.  8.  7					 10.  5.
	    25	251. 14.  8					 15.  1. 4
	    27	  1.  3.  0	Ticket not acctd. for
	    11	  4. 16.  3	    Collection
	    18	  7.  8.  2		do
	    20	     15			do
	    25	 13. 18. 11		do 
	June 1	  4. 10. 10		do
					Balance			316 . 9 . 1
		------------					------------
		345 . 7 . 9					345 . 7 . 9
		------------					------------
		The payment of the Balance £316.9.1 to Mr. W. R.
		Clayton the Treasurer of the Fund was approved.

		The Secretary reported his Audit of  Mr. E. A. Mortons